Refresh Your Bathroom By Doing This One Thing

The grout in my laundry room has seen better days. I've tried many different methods of scrubbing the grout but I couldn't get it clean anymore so I decided to refresh it.
We use this room a lot. Not only as a laundry room but our dogs water and food dishes are in here and it's the entrance from our garage. When anyone uses this door, I cringe and what they must think when the see the floor.
As you can see, the grout is not white anymore and it really make the entire room look dirty.
On one of my daily trips to Lowe's :), I found this grout colorant. It's a paint for grout and exactly what I needed. It comes in a variety of colors. I chose bright white.
I began this project by taking everything out of the room then scrubbing the grout with baking soda and water. Once that was completed, I wiped everything clean with a mild soap and water.
Here is the floor once it was clean and dry. As you can see, some of the grout is sort-of white but not all of it.
I shook the grout colorant very well and then squeeze it directly onto the grout. A little goes a long way.
I used a small craft brush to paint the colorant onto the grout.
Using a wet cloth, I wiped away the excess colorant off of the title.
It's that simple. You just paint it on and wipe off the excess.
Here is the before (on the left) and the after (on the right). What a difference!
Now with the grout white again, the room looks so much cleaner and brighter and I don't have to worry about what people think.
Just an FYI - I freshened the grout in our main bathroom about 2 years ago. For the most part, the colorant wears very well and I haven't had to redo the floor yet.
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Margaret tarulli on Jan 26, 2023
ok great job but a lot of work , so i had the same problem 2 weeks ago , the grout in my kitchen and bathroom ,you all know it's hard to get good help and /or to do an easy job ,,well well well i have got the best DIY yet for grout floors ,,,,The old fashion shoe polish the one with the sponge applicator ,this has got to be the easiest thing i have done to improve my home and YES its holding like a professional job ,, and the shoe polish comes in colors ,grey,black ,white !! It sticks to the grout like glue !! the picture attached is half done so you can see the difference..
Dianne M Wilson on Jan 26, 2023
I used white shoe polish years ago. It lasted a long time!!!! It was easy peasy!!
Margaret tarulli on Jan 26, 2023
i know its like an awesome thing ,,, easy ,,, and on hand when it needs to be refreshed ...which i haven't had to ..
Frequently asked questions
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Seems like a lot of work but I'll try anything to get the grout looking great again. I think the grout colorant gave it a really awesome finishing and has your entire floor looking great. I'm going to give it a try soon and hope for the best. Also could you suggest any other brands in case I don't find the exact one you used?
Thanks for the tip.
Did u need to use sealant after
Have you tried mould remover first? I have on wall tiles and the grout has come up clean. Much easier! Not tried on floor tiles.