You HAVE to see the before! Can you guess what happened to the hot water heater?

(IC: blogger)
When I posted this project I went back to find a before picture. I couldn't even believe it. I had forgotten what it looked like. When we bought the farmhouse in 2009, I fell in love with the kitchen and the attached butler's pantry. It was dark and dreary and wallpapered from celing to floor, but I knew. I knew that it could be so much more than a dark dreary space.
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Published June 16th, 2012 12:23 PM
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2 of 23 comments
Judy on Jan 02, 2017
Tabitha Jeter on Mar 15, 2019
That’s simply gorgeous 😍
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So, where DID you hide the water heater??
thank you so much,this is almost what I have been looking for in what I hope to accomplish im my small MH kitchen!
whats your advice to a never done it before newbee ??