Repair a Chipped Corner on a Dresser Using Hot Glue, Oil and Bondo

This happens to most of us, we find a stunning piece of furniture, but a corner has been chipped off. Well, here's an easy fix!
This solution is great when painting the piece.
But if leaving the original finish, it will be difficult to match. You can add a few drops of wood stain to the Bondo as you mix it (this will be lighter), or you could find a paint color similar and paint the Bondo for your final step.
First, gather your supplies.
You'll need
*Cooking oil spray
*Hot glue gun and glue sticks
*A disposable cup (for mixing Bondo)
*A disposable stirrer (popsicle stick)
*Paper towels
Figure out which area you need to make a mold of so that it fits the broken area perfectly. For this project, we wanted to make a mold of the other corner, but primarily of the side molding. This way when it flips to the other corner, it matches up. Clean the both areas really well. If the broken area is smooth, do a quick scuff sand using 150 grit sandpaper. Wipe with a damp (water) rag.
Spray the area you are making the mold of with cooking oil. Then cover it in hot glue
While the glue is drying, go ahead an add the screws for the Bondo. The screws will give the Bondo something to grab onto.
Measure out where your screws will be going and mark it. Since ours was a ln often used corner for moving, we wanted to be sure it was never going to break off again so we added a screw every inch.
To avoid the wood from breaking, drill out the holes first.
Then screw in your screws so that they are sticking out as much as possible while staying flush with the rest of the trim.
Now, pop off the hot glue mold. It will come off easily. Spray the inside of the mold with cooking oil.
Mix up your Bondo in a disposable cup using a disposable stirrer. If you've never used Bondo before, be aware, the smell is very strong and the work time is very little. It starts to harden within minutes. So if you're doing a large area, I recommend doing it in sections.
Go ahead and fill the inside of the mold with Bondo
**Anytime you work with chemicals, I urge you to wear gloves, protective eye wear, and a mask
Now smoosh the mold into place over the screws. Hold it there for a couple minutes, wiping any excess that oozes out from the sides of the mold. After about 3-5 minutes, you should be able to remove the hot glue mold and the Bondo still stay in place. Allow the Bondo to harden for about 30 minutes.
Now you can shape it. I prefer to start with a Dremel. It can cut through the larger chunks and speeds up the process. Then switch to 80-120 grit sandpaper, and finally to 220 grit sandpaper to do the final shaping smoothing. If you find that the Bondo has tiny holes or dents, just fill with wood filler.
That's it! That's how you easily fix a piece that has a broken corner.
This method also works for broken drawer corners, details, and even entire feet can replaced using this method!
No one will ever know that the corner was once broken off
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Bek on Aug 18, 2020
That clinches it. Every year, my sons (grown) ask what I want for Christmas. This year, A DRIMMEL and lots of fun bits!
Frequently asked questions
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How did you get the steam punk stuff on the front
Doesn't the oil spray ruin the wood?
What is the paint color name,numbers & brand?
Thank you ever so much!