Vintage Tea Cart Makeover! (Amazing!)

Brooke Riley-Re-Fabbed
(IC: blogger)
Ok y’all…so THIS may just be my favorite find! You just never know when you may run across that perfect piece. I happened to be at a local store buying paint for a project when I really didn’t have time to be there. I was already supposed to be back home, but I kept taking my time, wandering around and looking at any and everything. Finally, I went to pay for my paint and the woman behind the counter said- “I am so glad you came in here!” She then proceeded to tell me that a lady was about to leave and she had a really cute vintage tea cart in her car that she was about to go donate. WHAT?! She said, “Get out there and buy it from her! You can paint that and make it look so cute!”
I didn’t even know what to give the woman, to be honest…but I went over to her and asked to see it, and when I did…it was LOVE. I mean, the true kind of love. I wanted it. I asked if she would take $10.00 for it, and she said SURE! I was ecstatic! I couldn’t wait to get it home and get it all beautified!
Now, even though it was love at first site…it still needed a lot of work. It was pretty rough, but with a little TLC, this vintage charmer would be so fabulous.
To start, I wiped it down really good to remove all of the dirt and cobwebs! It had been in the lady’s shed for years, so it had plenty of dust and dirt build-up!
After this, I finally got to do what I love! PAINT! I opted for my favorite “go-to” color…Antique White by VM&D. I knew I wanted to use this piece in my bathroom, and I thought it would be a good, neutral color to go with my grays in there…and if I ever decided to move it somewhere else, it would be a perfect match anywhere! WIN!
In honor of finishing this tea cart, I went shopping for some new towels! I found these beauties at TJ Maxx for $6.99/each. Not bad! That is my favorite store, so I always enjoy having a “reason” to go in there! I love the subtle blues and grays together…so calming and peaceful!
So, what do you think about the updated vintage tea cart?
Enjoyed the project?

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published June 2nd, 2015 8:21 AM
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Did you have to do anything with the smaller wheels? My carts wheels are pretty bad.