Seaglass Mosiacs- Turtle Momma and Babies

I have a lot of green sea glass...what can I make with it? The ongoing question for a creative whose always looking to try something new! I got it, I'll make turtles so as always I suggest study what you are going to make. Take note of the size scale, the feet shape the head size, the eyes and everything you are going to try to mimic! I always Google my subject and save a few of the better images for reference.
Hey wait a minute...I have a scrubby dish that's a turtle! Haha, it will make a perfect outline to trace onto my template!
So at first I envisioned momma on the beach heading out to sea, I drew her in a diagonal setup. I had marked all along the outside where the frame overlapped the glass so as to ensure the turtle placement was within that perimeter.
I realized I had two, old identical frames kicking about and that's when I envisioned turtle babies! Quickly I switched to prepping my picture frames while I sorted out the new layouts in my head.
The frames were first cleaned with Krud Kutter, a degreasing spray because afterall these were a thrift store find. I removed the tired, old hardware and the tacks that held the glass in place, I wouldn't be needing those either.
The frames were old and the joins had come apart in a couple of the corner joins so I used spackling to fill in those seams. Set aside for a few minutes and let that dry before I begin to paint them.
I used a Vintage White chalk paint and a chippy brush to cover both wooden frames.
I wanted a worn look so after the paint had dried I sanded down the edges and particularly the corners to give them a distressed look. I used a 120 grit pad from my sander because they are durable and flexible.
Referring to my saved photos of turtles I chose the glass shards that I felt fit the shell pattern the closest. I took a picture of this for reference and then carefully slid the glass off to the side so I could glue them onto the glass next. I always clean the glass with alcohol before glueing or painting it to get rid of fingerprints and smudges, etc.
Silicone was in my caulking gun already so I was ready to go, using a plastic lid to pour out small amounts to use. To spread it onto some pieces I used the artists brush but a gloved finger is fine too. With the template underneath and my reference photo I took I was able to put all of the pieces back in place once more to create Shelly!
Use a skewer stick to remove any excess glue while it's wet. The other option is once it's dry simply use a blade used to clean glass to cut and remove any silicone that oozed out underneath the shards.
Oh yes, remember I mentioned babies....Shelly had babies!!! Simply 5 tiny pieces of seaglass was used to form the turtle outlines showing them as they were making their way off.😄
The same way I created the Blue Whale background in another previous post so too here I'm going that same route. I mix metallic paint with almost an equal amount of mod podge to create the ocean background.
Once your two individual paint colors are mixed with mod podge, use a sponge to apply it to the "back" side of the glass. Dab your sponge into the paint mixture and blot in a paper towel to keep a light coating on your sponge. Use one color at a time, apply here and there leaving lots of blank spaces for to apply your next color once the first color has dried.
Here it is all dry and placed over a white sheet of paper to show you the results. Remember my original template? The beach will be where the blank area is seen here on the glass.
To create the beach again you'll need to flip your glass over and blot Mod Podge evenly over the glass that's still bare, follow your painted edge.
This is sand from our local beach, yes our bylaws allow me to remove small amounts for personal use. But you can purchase it if you don't have access to any sand in your area, you'll only need a few tablespoons for this! Once it's poured in place, wait a minute and then pour excess back into your container for the next picture. If you have any blank spaces, just repeat this process in those patches.
Allow this sandy area to thoroughly dry before moving onto the next step of sealing it.
The mod podge acts as a glue and also a sealer so I applied it over the entire beach to seal in the sand and keep it from being chafed off the glass.
I left the glass overnight to dry well before I set them into the frames, did you want a sneak peak?
Aren't they ever cute? I envisioned them racing from the beach towards the ocean.
The glass was glued into the frames with the same silicone I used earlier, I ran a thin line of it all around the inside edge of the wood. With frames facing down I laid a little weight onto the glass panes to help them set in place as the glue dried, just a few hours is fine. White cardboard or foamboard was placed in the back and new hanging hardware.
My vision came to life...Shelly heads into the beach to lay her eggs and once her babies hatch they race away from the beach.
These frames can be hung vertical or horizontal which is another bonus. I hope you enjoyed the latest seaglass creation, check out my previous posts for more beach combing inspiration!
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Michelle on Jan 24, 2023
I love this! I’m going to go thru all my picture frames and see if I can do this. Very creative idea.
Nancy Stanton-Driscoll on Jan 24, 2023
How adorable ...beautiful and such a delightful craft you have created .I love it .
Skilled Thrifty Creatives on Jan 24, 2023
Thank-you, it sure was fun making those cute little tots!
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