Shoe Box Storage

(IC: homeowner)
4 Materials
I have been using shoe boxes for storage for a long time but last week looked at them and thought "ugly"
So I decided it was mod podge time!
So I decided it was mod podge time!
I have a ton of shoe boxes and many are in use, for seeds, old letters and cards from my Mom, Dad, and sister who are no longer alive and letters from my brother.
I started gluing ( with mod-podge) the paper I liked onto the box. and kept going until it was covered
When the outside was done, I did the inside too, I think next time I will start with the inside.
then I also did the bottom. and I let the whole thing dry.
I decided I did not want the box to ever stay a bit open, and so I took a free magnet - the kind that real companies give you for your fridge and cut 2 rectangles about the same size
Then I glued them to the outside of the box and the inside of the lid
and covered the magnets with paper
and as per my usual, so the whole thing will be easy to wipe and clean, I put on a coat of polycrylic,
Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Paper printed with a design you like
- Mod podge
- Paintbrush to apply mod podge and polycrylic
- Polycrylic
Published October 25th, 2016 7:11 PM
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3 of 135 comments
Meh51337033 on Dec 14, 2023
Very innovative indeed.
This gives me inspiration for other projects.
Thanks indeed.
Meh51337033 on Dec 14, 2023
Yes I will.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Do you put anything on it as protection so it doesn't wear/rub off?
I am looking for something to put on the lid to help open it. Any ideas?
Lovely idea, really like it, where did you go for the paper? I’m not as talented as you, but I would like to try. Nice job, thanks for sharing.