Small and Cute, HomeMade Modern DIY Sofa | Minimum Tools

This Instructable is how to make a DIY Modern Sofa. It is make from pine wood furniture boards and it can be made with just few worktools a saw, cordless drill, electric Stapler.
Tools that i used:
- Jananese Saw
- Screw driver
- Clamps
- Electric stapler
- Triangular Measuring Ruler
- Pocket Hole Jig
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Size of the sofa 150*75 см.
For the sofa base i used 2 old pine wood furniture boards (150*36 см). I connect them together with metal plates.
My little dother helps me, so work goes faster and easier. It's always great to work with helper!
We connected pine boards together. Now it's time to glued foam rubber. I used 40mm thickness foam rubber. We applied two layers.
I want to make corners little smoother, so i applied one layer of Cotton padding. I attached this with an electric stapler.
The next step was to attach the fabric to the base of the sofa. I alsow used an electric stapler.
From the bottom of the base, i decided to add some pine boards. In this way it will be more durable.
I cut boards with japanese saw, then connect them together. I used my homemade pocket hole jig.
Now im making legs for sofa. i used pine boards 45*45mm. The will be 20 cm long. i also cut them with japanese saw. I think this is my favorite work tool!
To make legs with the same length, i connect them with clamps and sand with sandpaper. It's quite easy. This way your legs will be the same lenght.
Now i fixed legs to the sofa base. I fixed them with clamps. To connect legs between them together, i used pine boards 35*35mm. I fixed them with pocket holes and some glue.
As i don't have large clamps, i used steel wire and screwdriver. I fixed legs with such method, until glue dries.
I connect legs to the sofa base with metal corners. I applied two corners on each leg.
Almost done.
I'm tired, so i decided to have a little rest :)
Well, lets go back to work :)
Now i need to make backs for sofa. I also used pine boards 160*40 cm length. I made 2 armrests 750*40 cm. And the back of the sofa 150*40 cm.
To avoid injury, I rounded the armrests. I used a coffee can for the template. I used a saw to cut off the excess
and then sanded it with a sand paper.
Now i sand everythiung with sand paper, and finished with watco danish oil.
All i have to do, attached armrestm and back to the base of the sofa. I used clamps and screws.
Thats it! Sofa is ready! We bought lots of funny and cute pillows and decorate our sofa!
As you see, i used just a few tools. I think that almost everyone can make such sofa and you will not need lots of a proffesional tools.
I like result very much. Its small and cute, just as i planned:)
And how do you like it? I will be glad to hear you estimation!
P.s. So guys if yo like my works, please subscribe and follow me on Youtube and Hometalk :)
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Chris Keating-Ingelse on Nov 12, 2021
Eat your heart out, IKEA! This beats your "easy" DIY furniture. What a great helper you have! I was my Dad's helper when I was a little girl, too!
Meredith Michener on Nov 10, 2022
So cute and you did a great job on the tutorial. I can definitely follow along on this. This is one of the best Hometalk posts I have seen in a LONG time!
Frequently asked questions
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Darling couch! Great idea for a child bed too. Could it be fitted with a small matress instead? Not meant for rough house boys. They would break the sides off.
How did you make the joiner tool? I don't have the $$ for the metal one.
Thank you.
What are the measurements in feet and inches?