Spring Succulents for the Front Door

Is your front door ready for spring?
Here's the truth: Until last week, mine wasn't. The door has been totally bare since I took down the Christmas decor nearly two months ago.
With a thrift store find that was hanging around in my stash and a few gorgeous faux succulents, I decked my door for spring in less than an afternoon!
It started with a $3 tin hanging basket I found at the thrift store a few months ago. It needed some TLC, but had plenty of potential. I thought it would be nice for a spring door hanger filled with some pastel blooms and delicate ribbons.
Then...I wandered into the floral department at Hobby Lobby one day and laid eyes on their collection of succulents.
That's when those pastel plans vanished.
Those bright green and rich burgundy colors snagged me and I decided they'd make the perfect floral element to bring spring to my front door.
The tin basket definitely needed some work, so I gave it my favored treatment of paint - two coats of Rustoleum white. It made an immediate difference. Don't you just love how paint does that?
Next, I dry brushed a few spring colors onto the embossed vines and blooms. It really brought out the details without overpowering. If you aren't familiar with dry brushing, visit the blog for the easy details.
The floral foam was just a bit too long to fit the opening, so I gave it a little trimming with a sharp knife - easy peasy.
I gave it just enough of a trim to maintain a tight fit.
Finally, the fun part: adding the succulents (but really...the whole project was fun )
I used the same arranging technique I used for the Christmas Door decor. Starting with the focal plant in the center, I added the others, balancing them on each side. Finally, I added some moss to fill in the gaps, cover the foam that was still showing, and to add a little more interest.
Aren't those succulents gorgeous? I usually prefer live plants over artificial, but these are just perfect for a covered porch and will stay beautiful all season long.
Now my door is officially "spring ready". I hung it using my favorite hanging hook. It's perfect for glass or metal doors that can't accept a hole. Visit the blog for details.
I loved this project for so many reasons, but mostly because it was so quick and easy. I don't know about you, but I don't have time for complicated and time-consuming projects, yet love working with my hands to make something new. This one fit the bill!
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Maureen on Jun 06, 2020
Very, very creative ♥️ I love how you did the arrangement..it looks real. Your paint job on the bucket is awesome.
To Work With My Hands on Jun 06, 2020
Thanks so much, Maureen. I had so much fun with this project!
Nancy Symns on Feb 01, 2021
Love love love this!! You did a fabulous job and they look real! Especially love the basket which gives it its own unique flair!
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Would like the name of the hooks please.