Stone Pebble Tiles on Top of Old Tiles

I recently did a bathroom Reno in my 3 way bathroom but here is how I did it without having to rip up all the old tiles and saved a lot of money by going straight over top of the old ones
edit .. I did have to take doors off and take off 1.5 cm of the bottom of the door to allow for the height of the tiles using a circular saw. Many uses of these tiles furniture laundry ,kitchen . Outdoor areas . Fireplaces . Bookshelf’s.
- I laid out the stone tiles to get the pattern I wanted and the amount I needed to do the job. I then used a grinder to take off the shine on the old tiles so every tile needed to be done to help the glue grab. I then mixed up the tile glue as per instructions on the packet. I was doing a large area and not just the one pictured, so I bought a large 20 kg bag of glue
Once I had laid them all, I had to wait 24 /48 hours for the glue to set before mixing up the grout. I used a rubber grout trowel to apply the grout and used a pressing in and wiping on a angle away from me in on upward and out motion and kept that going the whole way. Using stone you go through a lot more grout than normal tiling due to the gap and depth around each pebble stone
Once I filled with grout I went over with. A damp cloth and a bucket of water to kept rinsing wiping away any excess . once it is dried another 24/48 hours your go back over properly to really buff up and clear of any residue . After a week it is good to add a stone sealer. It gives a beautiful shine and finish and protects the stone and maybe a quick top up of sealer each year to keep it looking fantastic and like new
Extra pics of gluing down
Even my cat joined in to help :/
A few asked so I have added this bit .. as for the drain :/ I hunted around and an add to find a new top section mine was 90 mm it is a 2 piece item. When I got home I couldn't find a way to get the lower part out so I just used the top of the new drain and popped it straight on top and grouted and sealed. The pic below this is also another item I bought which may also do the job. It is an extension which would also work this one I will use in the shower itself drain hole and mine is. Smaller
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Amanda Bowman on Apr 24, 2018
I cant figure this out.
Jenny Tease on Apr 25, 2018
which part? use grinder to ruff up the old tiles surface then glue wait for drying then grout wash down let dry wash down and seal
Vicky Corey on Apr 25, 2018
Jenny, it's Beautiful! Ignore the negative comments. A friend of mine did this year's ago and it's still beautiful.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Could this be done on a prefab shower insert? Could you do this on the shower walls? It looks great.
How did you put the tile around the toilet. Could it be a problem if you ever had a leak around the seal that I am supposing is now covered?
Question i just recently laid pebble stone down on my shower it looks great but one side isn't sloped enough, I was thinking about adding a 4 inch section. With the end tampered thoughts?