The Easiest Rust Remover

Shawna Bailey
by Shawna Bailey
2 Materials
5 Minutes

I’m a really big fan of rescuing objects, because I don’t believe in throwing things away that still have use in them. Sometimes though you get something and think, “that’s the end of this”, like this rusty pan. But then I found this great tip to remove rust from metal using coke and tinfoil.

Here’s my rusty pan. It's clearly seen too many cheesecakes. I didn't think I could bake with it again.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

All I used was a bottle of coke and a scrunched up piece of tinfoil.

Step 2: Pour the Coke

I poured the coke all over my pan. There is some chemical reaction that quickly gets the rust off. This is mostly surface rust, so I could wipe it off after a few minutes. For deeper rust you have to let it sit for longer.

Step 3: Scrub with Foil

The coke loosens all the rust, and the foil takes it off. With just a few scrubs all the rust comes off.

Step 4: Rinse Your Pan

Just rinse the coke and rust off your pan. My hands actually got kinda orange while doing this. I'm not sure why...

Tada! All clean. Instant rust remover.

Look at the difference! Now I can bake again!

Suggested materials:
  • Bottle of coke
  • Tinfoil
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3 of 131 questions
  • JanM JanM on Jan 05, 2024

    Will this work on old OLD burnt on rust and drippings?

  • Gig69451122 Gig69451122 on Jan 18, 2024

    Does this work with diet coke too? Is it safe with non stick surfaces?

  • Tjm104702560 Tjm104702560 on Dec 12, 2024

    Does this work on garden tools? I have pruners, loppers, etc. that have all rusted through the years. I can't use them anymore. I hate to throw them away.

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2 of 475 comments

    Worth a try, I have some baking pans with spots of rust. People have used Coke for years to remove automotive rust. Makes me wonder why people drink this.

    • CK CK on Mar 21, 2024

      Yeah...I've wondered that too though I have to say I do like drinking Coke...but not Diet Coke 😜

  • Carmel Carmel on Apr 16, 2024

    I am 78, and as kids we would use coke to take rust off our old bicycle handlebars. I have used it for years...always works.
