The Perfect Border for Your Beds: Defining a Garden's Edge With Stone

Jenna Burger Design
(IC: blogger)
20 Minutes
This is the garden bed that is against the front of our home and it looks much different than when we moved in a few years ago. To define the line between the GRASS and the GARDEN, we installed (even though there was no 'real' install) inexpensive stone. These stones are a trapezoid shape - about 7 long on one side, about 5 long on the other side. Because of the stones shape, they can be layed in a straight line (by changing the direction with each one) OR on a curve (tight curve or gradual curve) to border a garden. One row high is just enough (that's what I did) or these inexpensive stones can be stacked (staggering the joint) to create a taller garden border or retaining wall. They can also be used to create a firepit. Come see more on my blog NOW: http://www.jennaburger.com/2015/05/the-perfect-border-for-your-beds/
The garden before - only a few weeks ago...
The new garden outlined with inexpensive stones
New stone edge
Because of the stones trapezoid shape, they can be layed in a straight line (by changing the direction with each one) OR on a curve (tight curve or gradual curve) to border a garden.
Our front porch ready for the Spring + Summer!
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Published May 27th, 2015 9:34 PM
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I did these same stones and made flower beds and tree ring. All in the last two years. Now every one of those stone are discolored black and dark brown. I've tried pressure cleaning. Oh wow what a mess. The home improvements stores sell a product in a gallon jug of Spray it and Forget it Cleaner. I cannot afford $30.00 some dollars a bottle for this magic potion. Any ideas to bring the stones back to glory days ?
i love this idea im gonna do this in my garden
Ok now whose Gona b the lawnmower person going in,over,around hmmm