Trash to Treasure – Serena & Lily Dupe

A friend/neighbor tipped me off that this bureau was on the curb waiting for the garbage trucks in our neighborhood, so I dragged my oldest son along in our golf cart to help me get it. He just loves when I do that. LOL
The piece was dated, as were the handles. It was also pretty dirty. It just needed a paint job and some TLC, and that is exactly what I gave it.
Here is the before.
When I got it home I realized it was Lexington furniture piece. A well-known and high quality brand. In other words, a good score.
Now, what to do with it? It obviously needed a paint job. To the garage I went to check my paint supply stash. I still had some white cabinet/furniture paint left over from a my guest bedroom makeover, so I planned to use that. Then, I found several different tan colors as well. That is when it occurred to me that I could try to go for a Serena & Lily/Coastal look. Here are a few inspiration pieces for sale on the Serena and Lily web site. These retail for over $4000! This was the look I was aiming for.
Step 1, Clean…
I cleaned the piece up as best as I could before I did anything. I also took off the handles.
Step 2, Paint…
I started with the white paint and painted only the edges of the dresser. Next, I used the tan color for the wicker part. At first I used a color called Windsor Greige.
Hmmmm, I wasn’t loving the Greige. Fortunately I had another tan color called Sand Beach so I put a coat of that on. Yup, I liked that shade much better. It is subtle difference, but is definitely lighter and more ‘coastal’ looking in my eyes.
Step 3, New Hardware…
Next up was changing the hardware. I headed to Lowes to see what handles they had available. All the gold ones I liked cost about $6 each. Instead, I opted for these inexpensive ones ($2 each) and sprayed painted them gold. I already had a can of gold spray paint at home.
That was pretty much all I did with this makeover. Sounds easy, but it did take me many hours of painting to accomplish this look. Maybe next time you see a piece of furniture on the side of the road you can grab it and give it a makeover (or call me and I will – LOL).
Here is the finally outcome. I love it! I sold it pretty quickly for $200. Not a bad profit! I love finding these treasures.
One last before and after…
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Debbie on Mar 21, 2022
What a beautiful eye you have. You did a great job and I love the colors! I might have to start searching my neighborhood for furniture throw aways!! I cannot imagine anyone throwing away a Lexington furniture piece, though. Worth much more than $200!
The House house on Mar 21, 2022
Thank you so much. I appreciate that.
I can't believe the stuff people throw away! I found all kinds of good stuff.
CaliGal on Mar 21, 2022
I frequently stop and pick up free items from the curb if I get a vision of a repurpose or updated look. Great find!!
The House house on Mar 22, 2022
Good for you! It’s one of my favorite things to do. 😊
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Was the piece already textured to look like wicker?