How To Make An Umbrella Door Wreath

Having company over and need a quick touch of pizazz to your frumpy front door? Here is your solution! I am all about unique twists on traditional decor ideas and this umbrella door wreath is the perfect example of just that.
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The bonus is that you can say YOU MADE IT!
Materials I used for this project:
To create this simple and unique door wreath, you'll want to start by spray painting the tip and handle of the umbrella if they're a color you don't like.
I purchased this umbrella for less than $7 on Amazon and was surprised by the hot pink so I wanted to cover that up, and I chose metallic gold to do that.
If you're giving this wreath as a gift, I would not recommend spray painting the handle unless it's wooden as the spray paint does not adhere very well to plastic.
Since this wreath is for my door, I wasn't very worried about it not adhering perfectly.
Once the handle and tip are sprayed and dried, take your sponge brush and paint the umbrella with the primer (you can do this step first if you didn't need to spray paint the tip and handle). You'll want to paint the primer on thick but not so thick that it runs - if you experience running, simply go back over those places to even out the primer.
After your primer dries, paint the umbrella the color of your choice with acrylic paint - I chose purple to contrast with my warm pallete of flowers. Again, you'll want to lay the paint on thick but not so thick that you experience running. Make sure to let the paint dry completely once you've covered the entire umbrella with paint.
Next, cut and arrange the flowers you've chosen. You can use wire clippers or a pair of scissors to cut.
After you've arranged the flowers to your liking, tie your ribbon of choice around the closed umbrella - I recommend tying it close enough to the top that the flowers are gathered close and tight.
Finally, hang your beautiful flower arrangement on your door for all to see and admire!
This project will take a jiffy to make and will cost you the same, if not, less than a pre-purchased ordinary wreath would.
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Reland on Jul 15, 2022
That’s fabulous! I too have issues with certain plastics not taking paint well. If it’s possible, I’ll put a single layer of masking tape(with extra glue) on the plastic tightly and simply paint it. I don’t remove the tape. I also use a clear coat on top for protection. I have not yet found a primer &/or a spray paint that works on every plastic regardless of what the label boasts. Those I will cover with something that will take the paint. This is a wonderful repurpose project for my umbrella!
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
How did you hang it on the door?
Could you spray paint the fabric of the umbrella too?
Did you use a fabric primer?