Underground EZ Access Hose Storage for Less Than $10

Adele Kurtz
(IC: homeowner)
2 Materials
2 Hours
The size of your garden is limited by the length of your hose. Mine was destined to grow from 50' in this area to 125' this summer. Just because that's the length of hose my hubby brought home to replace my older one. But now what to do with something that long?
Often the best spot for your hose and reel is NOT at the faucet. I've learned to bury my hose to the spot I want access, then try to curl & hide it as best I can when I'm done using it.
Today I thought of an even better idea. Why not make my own simple underground hose storage? Online examples were ridiculously overdone, attractive hose pots were ridiculously expensive.
Let's get basic and improvise something that blends into my landscape.
I located the best spot for the hose to reside that would offer easiest, trample-free access to several gardens. Right at the inside edge of an herb garden, next to a rocked-in edge.
Simple for me to lay my hose, and bury it from the house faucet to this spot.
I bought a large $8 tub bucket from Walmart.
And dug a hole 3/4 the depth of the bucket.
Cut a hole near the bottom of the tub to push the hose through.
I drilled several holes for water to drain out.
125' of hose easily coils into this bucket. I can even throw in the sprinkler and hose attachments! But it needs a cover.
hmmm.... wheels spinning. I could make a cover out of ideas you see here on Hometalk. A stone mosaic? Stained wood circle? I could even transform it into a bench or table.
Of course I cut off the rope handles.
I happened to have some left-over rusted sheet metal pieces.
I bent a long rectangle to fit under the lip of the bucket. EZ
I arranged a few pieces on top to blend into my rocks.
I can ask a sheet metal guy to cut a custom piece, 24" round or free-form, later if I want to.
For right now, this is awesome. Blends unobtrusively. Looks natural. Cost next to nothing and took about 2 hours to do.
I was able to zip the hose out easily, sprinkle the gardens, coil it back neatly. Reposition the top.
Just as I had hoped.
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Suggested materials:
- Large tub bucket (Walmart $8)
- Left-over rusty metal pieces (on-hand)
Published June 15th, 2017 8:32 AM
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3 of 45 comments
James on Jul 17, 2017
I got tired of fighting the hose so I purchased some pcv plastic pipe and ran under the deck starting next to the faucet. I fastened the end next to the faucet upward to side of the deck. I put on a connection to fasten the short hose to the faucet. I ran the other end of pcv out the other side of deck and then dug a shallow trench out to flower garden area and placed more pcv pipe. Covered it back up with dirt and mulch. In flower area I install a connection to hook hose to. It cost me between 20 and 30 dollars and works great. Be sure to use primer on ends you will glue together.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
No question.... I love this idea... doing it...thanks!!!!!
Do you have a problem with wind? I would be afraid the top pieces would fly around and cause damage.
How does the water come out of the bucket through the holes when it's buried.