Vintage Boat Water Feature

(IC: blogger)
We had this funky fabulous cool to the max old boat. Ummm..what to do with it?? A water feature . Perfect!
We built a dock with the idea of making it look dilapidated and abandoned. Placed old nets around, buoys and other old boating items. I purchased some time ago these fabulous steel cut out kids. So stinkin' cute. We placed them on old piers. He is fishing and making eyes at her and she is ready to jump in and take a swim. The flowers in the back of the boat will grow and give the entire feature a pop of color. We hooked all the piping to our well pump.
We made sure the back of the boat would fill with water and run over the back for a nice sounding splash. We placed some large rocks and planted pretty tall grasses for accents.
Don't you just love her hair? Flying in the wind. He is paying more attention to her than his fishing pole.
Adding silly elements makes the entire project fun.
My husband named the boat, "I'm So Done", because he says thIS is my favorite saying. I may say IT a lot...but in a day or two I am ready for the next project....
I wanted to show you what our little boat looked like the first time we saw it sitting forelorn in a field. We purchased it and then started planning what we could do to give it a new life. We love the results and think, "I'm So Done", is truly content in her new home and all the attention she gets.
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Published April 9th, 2016 9:06 PM
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Sandra Allen on Apr 12, 2016
Hillela G. on Apr 13, 2016
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