Ingenious Window Insulation Tip!!!

Home Repair Tutor
(IC: vlogger)
20 Minutes
We all need to lower our heating bills, right? This ingenious window insulating tip might just be your next weekend project. The total cost is less than $20 and takes about 20 minutes.
Here's the tip: use bubble wrap.
I know what your'e thinking, the window will look awful.
The bubble wrap actually doesn't look all the bad.
And it provides double the insulation when combined with plastic window film.
If you only do this for your really bad windows or the ones in the basement I'm willing to bet you'll save a ton of money.
Plus feel warmer, haha.
For a complete tutorial and video check out my post :D
Hope this helps.
Here's the tip: use bubble wrap.
I know what your'e thinking, the window will look awful.
The bubble wrap actually doesn't look all the bad.
And it provides double the insulation when combined with plastic window film.
If you only do this for your really bad windows or the ones in the basement I'm willing to bet you'll save a ton of money.
Plus feel warmer, haha.
For a complete tutorial and video check out my post :D
Hope this helps.
We all need to conserve energy and insulating old windows is a stellar way to do it.
Apply double sided tape (comes with plastic film kit) to window frame. Add two successive layers.
Remove tape closest to window.
Get Your Home Ready for Winter!
Explore the brilliant way this homeowner insulated her crawl space, ensuring her home is ready for the cold months ahead!
Apply bubble wrap to tape.
Remove second layer of tape and add plastic window film.
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Published October 17th, 2014 10:00 AM
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3 of 141 comments
Maureen Moe Driver on Jun 05, 2021
I tinted my patio door. No one can see in during the day and I can see out. Great privacy tip plus the sun doesn't heat the house.
Karen Goodenough on Jun 04, 2022
Not a question but comment, I use bubble wrap directly onto the glass, use spray bottle to lightly spray water onto glass and simply press the bubble wrap to glass, no dealing with tape pulling the paint off walls it worked very well for me. You can still see outside but it’s blurry
Anna Sinclair on Sep 30, 2022
I use a spay bottle also works great
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
When you remove the double sided tape does it pull the paint off?
Years ago there was a adhesive back track with a removable spline used to attach plastic to a window, much like the process used for window screen. In the summer you could take the plastic down by removing the spline, putting the spline back until cold weather . Then you could remove the spline and put the plastic back. Does anyone know where this could be purchased? it was neat, reusable and very effective.
Can you see clearly with the bubble wrap on?