Winter Garden Prep Made Easy: Clever Outdoor Hacks You’ll Love

Whether it’s preparing your yard for winter to prevent damage or finding clever ways to make snow removal easier, we've got a collection of cold weather hacks that will keep you one step ahead of Jack Frost.
Let’s get started on making winter a little less stressful—and a lot more manageable.
Tools and Materials:
- Cooking spray
- Zip ties
- Dryer lint
- Toilet paper rolls
- Liquid dish soap
- Rubbing alcohol
- Plastic drink bottles
- Insulation tape or old towels
- Pool noodles
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Hometalk Recommends!
1. Keep Your Snow Shovel from Sticking
Spray a light coat of cooking spray on your snow shovel before heading out to tackle the winter weather.
This nifty trick prevents snow from sticking, making shoveling a breeze!
2. Use Zip Ties for Better Traction
If you're biking in the winter, add a few zip ties to your tires for extra grip on icy surfaces.
Simply wrap them around the tire, spacing them out for optimal traction—perfect for those winter rides!
3. Create DIY Fire Starters
Make fire starting a cinch by stuffing dryer lint into empty toilet paper rolls or used dryer sheets
Not only is it free, but it's also super effective! Place these homemade fire starters with your firewood, and you'll have a roaring fire in no time.
4. Anti-Ice Mixture for Walkways
Keep your walkways safe and ice-free by pouring a mixture of 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, and ½ to 1 gallon of water.
This solution helps prevent refreezing and keeps everyone steady on their feet.
5. Protect Your Plants with Plastic Bottles
To shield your delicate plants from frost, take an old plastic drink bottle, cut the bottom off, and place it over the plants.
Remember to remove the cap for ventilation!
A bamboo skewer can help keep it anchored in windy weather.
6. Insulate Your Outdoor Faucets with Pool Noodles
Cut a pool noodle lengthwise and wrap it around your outdoor faucets or exposed pipes.
These homemade faucet covers will help insulate them from freezing temperatures and prevent costly damage.
7. Use Pool Noodles to Prevent Ice Buildup
If you have a pool, don’t let those old noodles go to waste! Cut pool noodles into sections and place them around the edges of your deck or patio.
They’ll help keep ice from forming in tricky spots, making your outdoor areas safer and easier to navigate.
Looking for ways to winterize your garage doors
Winter Garden Prep: Keep Your Outdoor Areas Safe This Season
With these 7 cold weather hacks, you’re all set to winterize your outdoor spaces and keep your home running smoothly through the chilly months.
Have your own winter prep routine? Share your favorite tips with me in the comments—we can’t wait to hear how you’re getting your outdoor space winter-ready!
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Wink Harner on Nov 08, 2024
I use contractor grade zip ties, inside out so rough edges are exposed, around the wheels of my wheelchair. These do not mark floors, do not compromise the wheelchair wheels, and do not have to be removed & reapplied every time one enters and leaves a building. This also works for walker wheels, knee scooter wheels, and other mobility devices to help prevent slips and slides during icy weather.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
How do you place noodles on deck/patio to keep them from blowing away. Picture would help.
Does the alcohol/dish soap get poured over aver shoveling or does it melt the snow too?
I don’t understand how putting pieces of pool noodle around pool perimeter prevents ice??? Please explain